To our residents, family members and staff,
With the rapid spread of COVID-19 in the area, our teams have been preparing for the moment that we would be faced with a positive case in our building. On March 21st, a resident residing in our secure Memory Support neighborhood began displaying symptoms such as fever and sore throat. This resident had been symptom free only 4 hours prior. Upon recognizing these sudden symptoms, she was immediately sent out to the local hospital. This resident left Creekside for the hospital at mid-day on March 21st and has not returned to Creekside since first displaying these symptoms. Our team was initially told that this was not likely a positive case. The resident’s fever was only present on March 21st and did not resurface again, additionally, all other symptoms presented with very minimal evidence. However, despite initial suspicions being contrary, on April 1st the test came back positive for COVID-19. Due to our team’s preparedness, we were able to rapidly put our practiced and measured protocol in place.
Actions taken by our team:
Please keep in mind that our teams are working diligently to protect our community against an enemy that is invisible. While we hope that this is our first and final dealing with COVID-19, the data might suggest otherwise. Therefore, we will remain vigilant to implement every guidance by federal and state agencies while also constantly evaluating any additional measures that we can take to ensure resident and staff safety.
We hope that this occurrence will prompt you to reaffirm your commitment to social distancing, hand washing and limiting your exposure outside of your residence to lower the probability that our community will see COVID-19 within our doors again. We too will hold steady to our commitment to all prevention measures as well. Our world is learning more about proper COVID-19 measures every day and so are we. That’s why we are maintaining a document that details all of the actions taken by our organization to prevent the spread. Please continue to check regularly to understand how our approach evolves with this duration of this pandemic.
While our enemy, COVID-19, is invisible, the care and dedication of this community to one another is clear to see. On behalf of the Creekside team to residents and families, we are so honored to serve you and to our hardworking, dedicated staff, I am so honored to serve alongside you.
James Logan
Executive Director